Postez aici, ca sa stiti cu cine aveti de aface!
Clanul EPC ( si mai ales prin membru: [EPC]Panther
[18:36] eXe|Lunaty: sal
[18:36] eXe|Lunaty: vreau sa vb cu tine
[18:37] eXe|Lunaty: poti vb?
[18:37] eXe|Lunaty: sant unii care au inmceput sa va manance de cur
[18:37] eXe|Lunaty: si eu nu cred in asta
[18:38] VooÐoo!Costash: k
[18:38] VooÐoo!Costash: zi
Conversation ended: Wed, Jan 21 18:38:26 2009
Conversation started between VooÐoo!Costash and eXe|Lunaty: Wed, Jan 21 18:38:31 2009
[18:38] eXe|Lunaty: <Incoming call from eXe|Lunaty. Click the voice button to answer>
[18:38] eXe|Lunaty: <Call established to eXe|Lunaty (Medium)>
[18:39] eXe|Lunaty: [01.21.2009 17:14:25] VIOLATION (PB HACK0#1320056:VooDoo!Termi'(slot#7)Violation (PB HACK)#132056 [eac593bfe756e42208cad9594085a(VALID
[18:43] eXe|Lunaty: <Call ended>
OMG...termi cu hack.
Icep sa-l intreb pe [EPC]Panther ce si cum. Cica el "am fost uimit azi cand am vazut pe temi ca are ban".
[19:02] [EPC]Panther: sal
[19:02] [EPC]Panther: esti ?
[19:03] VooÐoo!Costash: salut
[19:03] VooÐoo!Costash: i a zi mi
[19:03] VooÐoo!Costash: acolo ar trebui sa fie si ip ul lui
[19:03] VooÐoo!Costash: imi poti da te rog ip ul?
[19:03] [EPC]Panther: iti dau lista
[19:03] VooÐoo!Costash: k
[19:04] [EPC]Panther: accepta
[19:04] [EPC]Panther: <Downloading file sv_viol.log>
[19:04] [EPC]Panther: <Completed downloading file sv_viol.log in directory
file:///F:\Download >
[19:04] VooÐoo!Costash: k, ms, stai sa ma uit si ti zic
[19:04] [EPC]Panther: astept
[19:05] VooÐoo!Costash: man
[19:05] VooÐoo!Costash: nu gasesc
[19:05] VooÐoo!Costash: da u search voodoo
[19:05] VooÐoo!Costash: sau termi
[19:05] [EPC]Panther: stai
Conversation ended: Wed, Jan 21 19:05:17 2009
Conversation started between VooÐoo!Costash and [EPC]Panther: Wed, Jan 21 19:05:24 2009
[19:05] [EPC]Panther: iti dau eu din lista
[19:05] VooÐoo!Costash: k
Conversation ended: Wed, Jan 21 19:05:44 2009
Conversation started between VooÐoo!Costash and [EPC]Panther: Wed, Jan 21 19:05:46 2009
[19:05] [EPC]Panther: [01.21.2009 17:14:25] VIOLATION (PB HACK0#1320056:VooDoo!Termi'(slot#7)Violation (PB HACK)#132056 [eac593bfe756e42208cad9594085a(VALID]
[19:06] [EPC]Panther:
[19:06] [EPC]Panther: asta este ip
[19:06] VooÐoo!Costash: k
[19:06] [EPC]Panther: este ?
[19:06] VooÐoo!Costash: presupun ca mi ai dat alta lista
[19:06] VooÐoo!Costash: nope
[19:06] VooÐoo!Costash: nu e
[19:06] [EPC]Panther: posibil
[19:06] [EPC]Panther: stai sa vad
[19:07] [EPC]Panther: <Downloading file sv_cheat.log>
[19:07] [EPC]Panther: <Completed downloading file sv_cheat.log in directory
file:///F:\Download >
[19:07] [EPC]Panther: asta este
[19:07] [EPC]Panther: ai gasit
[19:07] VooÐoo!Costash:
[19:07] VooÐoo!Costash: k
[19:07] VooÐoo!Costash: ala e ip ul lui
[19:07] VooÐoo!Costash: da?
[19:07] [EPC]Panther: imi pare rau
[19:08] [EPC]Panther: dar nu credeam asa ceva
[19:08] [EPC]Panther: de la voodoo
[19:08] VooÐoo!Costash: man
[19:08] VooÐoo!Costash: chill
[19:08] VooÐoo!Costash: nu e guidul lui
Plm, stau si verific guidul cu cel dupa esl, nimic.
Ii cer lui panther din nou sv_cheat.txt. Mda acelasi lucru:termi era cu HACk
Incep sa caut pe google nimic...INSA cand ma uit mai atent vad ca guid ul era mai scurt decat celellate...ii lipseau caractere de la sfarsit.Mda deci ceva nu e bine.
Ii zic lui Panter, "ma vezi ca nu e bun guidul" , si imi trimite din nou fisierul txt insa cu guidul complet.
Apoi cica, "uite e cineva la noi pe server tot cu nick termi"
si mi da urmatorul SS
Mda totul e ok, acelasi guid, acelasi ip....dar cum poate cioneva cu HACK pt pb sa intre din nou pe server???!!!
Si atunci, m am gandit sa i cer SS de la pb, ca de, daca e hack, sigur ii ace pb ul SS.
panther "pai sunt vreo 200 de imagini,nu stau sa caut"
Si pana la urma, mi a trimis mie arhiva de vre o 400mb prin
ftp.In ea este un log, numit pbsvss.htm, adik asta:
cu toate SS urile facute de PB si normal ca termi la ora aia nu apare cu nici un SS.
Deci tot ce pot zice, RUSINE RUSINE EPC, vai de capul vostru...stati sa inventati prostii in loc sa va vedeti cum jucati.
Nu mi a trecut prin cap sa vad data la care a fost creat fisierul txt.
Insa cand sa l mai cer odata, poftim raspuns:
[20:16] VooÐoo!Costash: si mersi pt ajutorul acordat
[20:16] [EPC]Panther: np
[20:20] <pavelgherghel is now playing Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare Multiplayer>
[20:26] VooÐoo!Costash: auzi
[20:26] VooÐoo!Costash: uite te ami rog
[20:26] VooÐoo!Costash: odata
[20:26] VooÐoo!Costash: mai trimitemi odata
[20:26] VooÐoo!Costash: txt ul ala
[20:26] [EPC]Panther: k
[20:26] VooÐoo!Costash: sv_cheat
[20:26] VooÐoo!Costash: dar sper ca nu ai modificat ceva in el
[20:26] VooÐoo!Costash: ca o sa apara asta
[20:26] [EPC]Panther: sti citi ani am ?
[20:27] [EPC]Panther: de 2 ori ani tai
[20:27] VooÐoo!Costash: man
[20:27] VooÐoo!Costash: eu u cred pe nimeni acum
[20:27] VooÐoo!Costash: sunt tota sceptic
[20:27] VooÐoo!Costash: intelegi
[20:27] [EPC]Panther: k
[20:27] VooÐoo!Costash: deci incerc sa flu
[20:27] [EPC]Panther: joc acum
[20:27] [EPC]Panther: ok
[20:27] VooÐoo!Costash: te rog
[20:27] VooÐoo!Costash: trimite mi ala
[20:28] [EPC]Panther: <This user is now offline>
Conversation ended: Wed, Jan 21 20:39:05 2009
Conversation started between VooÐoo!Costash and [EPC]Panther: Wed, Jan 21 20:53:11 2009
[20:53] VooÐoo!Costash: imi mai poti da inca o dta filerul ala?
[20:53] VooÐoo!Costash: te rog
[20:54] [EPC]Panther: chiar nu vrei s ama lasi si pe mine sa joc ?
[20:54] VooÐoo!Costash: pls man, o data si gata...un alt tab
[21:10] <pavelgherghel stopped playing Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare Multiplayer>
[21:15] VooÐoo!Costash: imi mai poti da ala o data
[21:17] VooÐoo!Costash: esti/
[21:17] VooÐoo!Costash: ?
[21:25] VooÐoo!Costash: mai esti
[21:25] VooÐoo!Costash: imi
[21:25] VooÐoo!Costash: mai
[21:25] VooÐoo!Costash: poti
[21:25] VooÐoo!Costash: trimite
[21:25] VooÐoo!Costash: odata
[21:25] VooÐoo!Costash: ala
[21:25] VooÐoo!Costash: te
[21:25] VooÐoo!Costash: rog
[21:25] VooÐoo!Costash: ?
Concluzia:Se pare ca DESTEPTUL CU MULTI ANI IN BULETIN a modficat sv_cheat.txt , si a inceput sa zica la toti ca au prins un codat in VooDoo.
Daca m-as pune la mintea voastra, desi aveti ani mai multi ca mine, v-as baga in piz... mamelor vostre, dar nu o fac.